BATALA Boom Vienna Logo

BATALA BOOM, about us

BATALA BOOM introduced

BATALA Boom is a Samba-rhyhtm-band with currently around 20 percussionists with totally differnt musical background. Aim of BATALA Boom is to communicate the concentrated lust for life of the Brasilian Samba-Reggae-music in Austria.
Consequently the band is open for each and everyone who wants to share his or her passion for music and movement. It doesn't matter if musical experience is present or not. With joy and fun everything can be experienced and learned. Be part of it.
The band is organized as an association in which every member has the same right ot vote. In that way we generally decide all activities together. We see this as an important basis of our musical action.

Registered Association:
„BATALA BOOM brazilian Samba- and Drumming Culture in Austria“
ZVR-Number: 022027606
registered office: Vienna, Austria

Batala Boom Vienna delimiter

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© 2023 BATALA BOOM, Vienna, Austria | Impressum